Waatea News Update

News from Waatea 603 AM, Urban Maori radio, first with Maori news

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kaumatua council for Ngapuhi runanga

Ngapuhi's chairman says a proposed kaumatua council will keep the runanga in line.

The council was recommended in a 10-year review of Te Runanga a iwi o Ngapuhi.

Sonny Tau says independent Rotorua-based APR Consultants reported the runanga effectively represents the Northland iwi's 120,000 members.

He says the kaumatua council would have a useful advisory role.

“If you don't have your kaumatua and kuia with you, then you are going to be found wanting in terms of your tikanga and that as you drive for a commercial imperative. You tend to leave these things behind, and the consultants picked this up,” Mr Tau says.

This weekend's annual meeting will be asked to approve a change in the Ngapuhi runanga's constitution to allow the kaumatua kaunihera.


John Key is encouraging the Maori Party to keep its options open for post-election bargaining.

The National Party leader says for much of its history Labour has taken the Maori seats for granted.

That's why the Maori Party should think carefully about where it needs to position itself on the political spectrum.

“If you look in Germany where the Greens oscillate between the centre left and the centre right, always having that strong voice for the environment. Wouldn’t Maori want potentially the Maori Party to be a constantly strong voice for their concerns. Potentially playing some part in government, it might just be an abstention, it might be a coalition, it might be a support agreement, irrelevant of whether Labour or National is in office,” Mr Key says.

He still has no room in a National government for the other party claiming the centre, New Zealand First.


A former coach of the Tongan rugby league squad says it's time for Maori to take a full place at the World Cup.

In the curtain raiser to the New Zealand-Australia game in Sydney on the weekend, a Maori team was beaten 34-26 by an indigenous Australian team.

Duane Mann, who has both Maori and Tongan whakapapa, says the competition is a chance for players to showcase their talents on an international stage.

After a century of involvement in the game, Maori also deserve that chance.

“I'm a bit more sympathetic to the Maori cause, particularly now when you have Great Britain divided into England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland an those players being able to spread themselves across and I think the Maori should be able to play in this world cup and the Aboriginal team as well,” Mr Mann says.


Maori Television's founding chairman, Derek Fox, has concerns about the durability of a proposed Pacific Island television service.

Labour is promising the service if it get reelected.

Mr Fox, who is now standing for the Maori Party in Ikaroa Rawhiti, says it comes across as a vote catching announcement, rather than an idea that has been properly thought through.

He says it's similar to many of the treaty settlements signed in recent months.

“The difficulty is because they’re so rushed, many of them are wrong. There’ll be a hotch potch. They won’t be enduring and they’ll be untidy bits to it, and that’s how I see the Pacific channel thing as well,” Mr Fox says.

He says if a Pacific channel does get off the ground, it would further enrich the television landscape.


The editor of the Migrant News is welcoming the Maori Party's call for new citizens to undertake a course on New Zealand and Pacific history.

Mel Fernandez, who has been in New Zealand for almost two decades, says its an excellent and long overdue idea.

He says with one in five New Zealand residents born elsewhere, there is a large information gap.

“A lot of the new arrivals actually have no idea of the importance of Waitangi Day and aspects of the relationship between the Maori, the Crown and as immigrants where they would fit in it,” Mr Fernandez says.

He wants to see new migrants welcomed by tangata whenua upon arrival and steered into courses in their first month... before they pick up unhelpful local prejudices and attitudes.


The organiser of a Wellington-based Maori music festival wants to make it a major national event.

The city is rocking and hip hopping to Kaupapa Maori music week, which includes daily workshops and nightly concerts.

Tonight is Puoro Unplugged, an acoustic showcase, followed by Aotearoa Hip Hop tomorrow and Pao pao pao at the Town Hall on Friday featuring a range of artists including singer Whirimako Black, opera diva Timua Brennan and Hip Hoppers 4 Corners.

Ngahiwi Apanui says the third PAO PAO PAO is setting the direction for the future over the next three to five years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

in search of;seeking any information about my grand father who might still be alive.I am Mrs christine Wright,information has come too me that i do have a grand father.LONG STORY...Do you know who or how i can get in touch with anyone who might help me trace him.This is all the information i have about him.My grand mothers name is Marie Irimana born the far north perhaps kaikohe.My Mothers name is Riana Old (irimana),also born kaikohe.My great grandfather(name not known to me)was once regarded as one of the cruelist men in kaikohe and was therefore not invited to the Irimana/Edmonds reunion way back in the late 70's? Is there anyone who could please help me find my family.thank you for reading this i understand this page is not related to what i want,but was one of the few sites were maye someone might be able too assist or be in the know.Regards Mrs Wright

11:15 pm  

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